I'm a proud dad and founder of Partnerhub.app - a unique new marketplace and partner management solutions built for digital agencies to find, vet, manage and enable their partners.
In 2006, I founded my first agency with the intention of creating full transparency marketing programs to help his clients learn to operate the strategies without him.
While this was successful - the agency secured dozens of $5K+ retainers, the unique model of training the clients while executing was too altruistic and not scalable.
Eventually, the agency morphed into a directory called Automated.af which helped match marketing automation experts to businesses who needed them.
In operating this marketplace, I discovered how few of these saas platforms in the automations actually enabled the agency experts to sell services on top of their solutions.
This was the genesis of the research which inevitably became Partnerhub.
I've spent my career helping founders and teams to build and execute creative growth systems. Now, I am helping digital agencies find strategic and referral partnerships using our community and Partnerhub.app/
Follow me and #PowerToThePartners to stay updated.