If you're reading this, chances are you already know that using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integrations significantly steps up B2B lead generation.

To drive home that point, research from Finances Online tells us that CRM systems can help boost conversion rates by over 300%. Quite the boost, isn't it?

So, at this point, it’s not so much about using CRM systems in your B2B lead-generation process (that's a no-brainer). It’s about choosing the right integrations for truly exceptional outcomes.

This article explores the best CRM integrations for B2B lead generation in 2024. But first, let's get a refresher on how CRMs impact lead generation and what factors you should consider before selecting one.

How Can a CRM Help With B2B Lead Generation?

In the B2B space, generating quality leads is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in effectively nurturing and converting those leads.

Case in point: a study from Forrester says businesses that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales at 33% less cost.

This begs the question: How can you effectively nurture leads? More than that, how can you make the lead nurturing process hyper-efficient? The answer to both is using a CRM integration.

Now for a deeper look at why a CRM tool is vital for successful B2B lead generation:

  1. Command Center for Leads: A CRM consolidates your lead data into a single, organized platform, making it easy to find what you need, when you need it.

  2. Improve Lead Nurturing: With cold emails, personalized messages, and real-time insights, CRMs help you effectively guide prospects in their journey to becoming customers. Beyond that, they help you build stronger relationships and move leads through the pipeline faster.

  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Guesses have no place in lead generation. CRMs help you figure out what's working and what's not. With this data, you get to make much smarter decisions for greater impact.

  4. Enhance Collaboration: A CRM boosts team collaboration by bringing everyone on the same page. This way, teams can work with greater efficiency to capture leads and close deals.

  5. Automate Mundane Tasks: CRM software automates repetitive tasks like lead scoring, data entry, and follow-ups. This frees up your team to focus on high-impact activities.

  6. Scale Up Effortlessly: As your business grows, so do your lead generation needs. A good CRM effortlessly adapts to changing circumstances, keeping your processes efficient and organized no matter your lead volume.

  7. Integrations: Last but not least, CRMs let you play well with others. You can easily integrate tools for marketing automation, social media, analytics, etc. to create a hyper-efficient lead generation ecosystem.

Long story short, if nurturing leads is an art, a CRM is your canvas. The question is, how do you choose the right CRM for your specific business needs? Let’s help you with that.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a CRM for B2B Lead Generation

Not all CRM integrations are created equal. And with far too many options in the market today, it helps to know what to look for. Consider the table below to find your perfect match.

FactorImportanceKey Considerations
Features & FunctionalityVery HighCan the CRM handle lead scoring, automation, and segmentation? Does it integrate with your existing tech stack?
CustomizationMedium to HighDoes the CRM support custom fields, workflows, and dashboards?
Reporting & AnalyticsVery HighLead sources? Comprehensive reports? Advanced analytics?
Ease of UseHighIntuitive interface? Customizable dashboards? Silky smooth navigation?
ScalabilityMedium to HighCan the CRM adapt to increasing lead volume? Does it accommodate a growing team without breaking a sweat?
Budget/CostVariableBudget alignment? Profitable ROI? Hidden fees?
SupportHighResponsive customer support? Educational resources? Training materials?

Selecting the right CRM means balancing these factors to fit your needs based on what’s most important to you. On that note, let's get down to brass tacks to see the best CRM integrations for B2B lead generation 2024 has to offer.

The #1 CRM Integration for B2B Lead Generation: QuickMail

Homepage Latest image for QuickMail

When it comes to B2B lead generation, QuickMail is in a class of its own. Sure, this may sound biased (because it is), but we have the data, experience, and insights to back it up.

Without further ado, let’s see why QuickMail’s CRM is the best choice for your B2B lead generation efforts.

Run Multichannel Outreach Campaigns

QuickMail is an all-in-one solution for cold outreach that offers email automation, LinkedIn outreach, SMS, and call steps.

This multichannel approach ensures your messages reach your audience through their preferred channels for higher response rates. After all, the more channels you use, the better your chances of engagement.

What’s more, QuickMail lets you add unlimited team members to your account at no extra cost – no matter your pricing plan.

Enjoy Unmatched Deliverability

One of QuickMail’s standout features is its unmatched deliverability. Customers rave about how effective it is, thanks to our inbox rotation feature.

Unlike other tools that restrict you to one inbox per campaign, QuickMail lets you use multiple inboxes to really scale your campaigns. Plus, we handle the volume distribution automatically.

With inbox rotation, your emails are less at risk of being flagged as spam. In other words, they actually reach recipients' inboxes.

Manage Replies With a Unified Inbox

Managing conversations becomes hassle-free with QuickMail’s unified inbox. How? It consolidates all interactions in one place, whether from LinkedIn, email, or SMS. This way, you never miss a reply.

responding to replies in quickmail

No more scattered communication channels – everything is neatly organized in one central location to ensure no lead slips through the cracks.

Get a Crystal Clear Picture of Performance With Advanced Analytics

agency dashboard in quickmail

Do you enjoy testing, tweaking, and optimizing your outreach strategies? If yes, QuickMail's advanced analytics is your holy grail. And that's not an empty promise.

We've put in the work to make sure the results you get are second to none.

With our standout feature – send-day attribution – you can pinpoint the exact date an email landed in recipients’ inboxes. This makes it easier to fine-tune your campaigns for specific goals – and with unparalleled accuracy!

Get Native Integrations to Support Your Existing Workflows

QuickMail integrates seamlessly with outreach tools like HubSpot and Pipedrive. We also let you incorporate workflows like Aircall, Twilio, and Slack – all without leaving your QuickMail dashboard.

And if your desired integration isn't natively supported, our Zapier integration has you covered, letting you connect virtually any platform to QuickMail.

Affordable Pricing Plans

QuickMail gives you great value for your investment with our three-tier pricing plans:

  1. QuickMail Basic: $49 per month, includes unlimited team members and multichannel smart sequences (LinkedIn, email, SMS, call steps).

  2. QuickMail Pro: $89 per month for 100,000 monthly emails, 50,000 active prospects, 20 email addresses, and five LinkedIn accounts. This plan also includes team management features like searchable audit logs and a unified inbox.

  3. QuickMail Expert: $129 per month, offers advanced team analytics, AI features, sub-campaigns, and more for a comprehensive outreach strategy.

5 Alternative CRM Integrations for B2B Lead Generation

We've seen why QuickMail is the top choice CRM for B2B lead generation. But, of course, there are other great options out there – each excelling in different areas.

If you're looking to explore other CRM integrations, here are five top contenders:

1. HubSpot

HubSpot homepage image


HubSpot offers a free forever CRM that's perfect for growing businesses. This CRM lets you manage leads, automate tasks, and track all your interactions in one place.

And although it's a basic tool, it integrates seamlessly with HubSpot’s marketing automation tools to give a powerful lead-gen punch.

Top Features

  • Marketing Automation: Automate your marketing efforts with ease. Save time and ensure consistent engagement with your leads.

  • Lead Tracking and Scoring: Track every interaction and score leads based on behavior. Then, prioritize high-potential prospects and focus your efforts where they matter most.

  • Advanced Smart CRM Functionality: Use intelligent CRM features to get insights, automate tasks, and manage your pipeline effectively.


HubSpot’s basic CRM tool is free forever. For the premium version, the starter pricing plan is $15/month/seat and its enterprise pricing plan (highest plan) is set at $4000/month.

2. Pipedrive

Pipedrive homepage image


Pipedrive is a sales-focused CRM built for efficiency. It uses a visual pipeline that provides a holistic view of the buyer’s journey from initial contact to closed deals. That, along with its automation features, makes this CRM a top choice for B2B lead management.

With Pipedrive, tracking deals, automating workflows, and collaborating with your sales team become a breeze.

Top Features

  • Robust Reporting and Analytics: Gain insights into sales performance with detailed reports and analytics to make data-driven decisions.

  • Visual sales pipeline management: Provides a holistic view of the sales pipeline, from lead generation to deal closure.

  • Seamless Data Import and Integrations: Easily import data from various sources and integrate with 400+ tools to simplify your workflow.


Pipedrive offers a 14-day free trial for users. Its pricing plan starts at $14/month and its enterprise plan is set at $99/month.

3. Salesforce

Salesforce website.


Salesforce CRM is a popular, AI-powered CRM software designed to help businesses manage their sales processes and customer relationships. It provides actionable data insights, supports lead capture, and turns prospects into happy, long-term customers.

Top Features

  • Lead Management and Scoring: Efficiently manage and score leads to identify the most promising ones to nurture.

  • Opportunity Tracking: Keep track of all your sales opportunities in one place. Monitor progress, set milestones, and close deals faster with organized tracking.

  • Robust Reporting and Analytics: Access comprehensive reports and analytics to understand your sales performance.


Salesforce CRM offers a 30-day free trial for users. Its starter suite is $25/month with its enterprise plan set at $165/month.

4. Zoho

Zoho CRM website.


Zoho CRM is a feature-rich CRM software that offers in-depth contact management, sales forecasting tools, and comprehensive analytics to help you optimize your lead generation. Zoho also integrates with a wide range of third-party applications.

Top Features

  • Sales Force Automation: Focus on selling while the system handles the routine work.

  • Process Management: Streamline and manage your sales processes effectively.

  • Omnichannel: Engage with leads across multiple channels – email, telephone, SMS, social media, live chat, etc.


Zoho’s CRM gives users a 15-day free trial. Its pricing plan starts at $19/month for its most basic features and its ultimate plan is set at $65/month.

5. Freshworks CRM (Freshsales)

Freshworks CRM website.


Freshworks’s CRM – Freshsales – is a user-friendly, AI-powered CRM built for high-velocity sales teams. It helps teams run smart sales campaigns to capture, qualify, and nurture leads with its AI software: Freddy AI. The outcome? Less busy work and faster-closed deals.

Top Features

  • Sales Pipeline Management: Organize and track leads and deals throughout the sales process.

  • AI-Powered Insights: Use AI to gain valuable insights into customer behavior and trends.

  • Marketing Automation: Seamlessly combine marketing and sales activities to streamline lead generation and nurturing.


Freshsales gives users a 21-day free trial. Its pricing plan starts at $9/month for its most basic features and its enterprise plan is set at $59/month.

Using Lead Scoring and Segmentation with CRM

Effective lead scoring and segmentation are key components of a successful B2B lead generation strategy. Lead scoring involves assigning points to leads (e.g., 0-100) based on actions they take, such as:

  • Replying to emails

  • Visiting your website

  • Downloading key resources

The higher the score, the more likely leads are to convert. With this data, your sales team can focus on high-potential leads for better efficiency.

Segmentation takes things a step further by letting you group leads based on their scores, behaviors, or other criteria. This lets you tailor your outreach efforts for better precision.

For instance, high-scoring leads might receive personalized emails with product demos, while lower-scoring leads get nurtured with informative content.

Here's a simplified breakdown of how lead scoring and segmentation go together:

Lead ScoreSegmentOutreach Strategy
0-25ColdRun brand awareness campaigns, build trust, and introduce your brand
26-50WarmProvide educational resources and nurture leads with valuable insights
51-75HotGo deeper with sales-focused messaging, personalized demos, targeted offers
76-100Ready to buyWrap things up with direct sales outreach and apply closing strategies

The bottom line: Using lead scoring and segmentation with your CRM means applying tailored marketing strategies for leads at different stages in your pipeline.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CRM in lead generation?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. In lead generation, a CRM system helps manage customer interactions using features like lead scoring, automation, and data analytics.

From tracking down prospects to closing deals, a good CRM system organizes the entire lead generation process, ensuring no leads slip through the cracks.

What is the best CRM to generate B2B leads?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer. The best CRM depends on your specific business needs.

Top contenders for B2B sales lead generation in 2024 include QuickMail, HubSpot, Pipedrive, Salesforce, Zoho, and Freshsales. These platforms offer robust features for prospecting, nurturing, and closing deals.

How much should you pay for B2B leads?

The cost of generating B2B leads varies based on factors like industry, lead quality, and acquisition methods.

On average, you can expect to spend between $50 to $400 per lead. However, investing in the right CRM integrations can significantly reduce lead costs through efficient nurturing and conversion.

Skyrocket Your B2B Lead Generation with QuickMail's CRM

Using a CRM integration for B2B lead generation is table stakes. To really move the needle for your business, you need a CRM integration that’s up to the task.

QuickMail is that partner.

So, if you’re:

  • Tired of the typical outreach struggles

  • Keen to take your B2B lead generation to new heights

  • Looking for an experienced provider with the right knowledge and best-in-class tools

QuickMail is your one-stop shop. Why not take it for a risk-free spin? Start your free QuickMail trial today!