A photo of John Karsant

John Karsant is the founder and CEO of LevelUp Leads – and a seasoned lead generation expert. His journey began in 2015 when he worked as a sales specialist with various different startups.

Thanks to hands-on experiences with full sales cycles, John quickly learned what it takes to build a successful startup.

In 2021, he founded LevelUp Leads with one clear goal:

“To help small to mid-sized companies schedule more meetings and close more deals.”

Before looking at how QuickMail helped John and LevelUp Leads, let’s take a peek behind the curtain to see how LevelUp Leads became one of the top B2B lead generation agencies out there today.

LevelUp Leads: Lead Generation on Auto-Pilot

An image showing a screenshot of LevelUp leads website

Successful B2B companies all do one thing well: maintain a steady sales funnel. And a steady sales funnel is the outcome of effective lead generation. This idea is what drove John to establish LevelUp Leads. In his words:

“Most times, companies don't have the bandwidth or expertise to handle prospecting and outbound campaigns”

LevelUp Leads is a sales development agency that works as a done-for-you lead generation engine. They cater to small to mid-sized companies across all industries in the B2B space.

But LevelUp Leads isn't just your run-of-the-mill lead gen agency — they're an extension of your team and a true partner when it comes to prospecting.

They find the right contacts, use top-notch software, and manage your outbound campaigns across email, LinkedIn, and cold calls to generate meetings for you.

“By outsourcing lead generation to a dedicated team (like LevelUp Leads), companies engage specialists with a track record of successfully helping others in their industry.”

And the best part? LevelUp Leads' services are as flexible as they are powerful. Whether you're in the market for an outbound agency or an SDR (fractional or full-time), LevelUp Leads delivers.

The Challenge

An image of 2 people looking at their laptops

Before QuickMail, LevelUp Leads struggled to find a single platform that offered all the necessary features to drive their cold email campaigns.

Make-or-break features like deliverability insights were especially hard to come by. This made things difficult since poor deliverability could sink even the most exceptionally curated email campaigns.

John and his team had to rely on multiple email tools to manage different aspects of their campaigns. As John put it:

“Before using QuickMail back when we started, there weren't as many platforms with built-in deliverability tools or insights about how to effectively navigate deliverability. So, we had to use separate, standalone tools to check for deliverability.”

This patchwork approach was not only time-consuming and inefficient for LevelUp Leads — it also made it difficult to get a holistic view of their outreach campaigns.

The Solution

After a thorough search, finding QuickMail was a breath of fresh air for LevelUp Leads. Thanks to QuickMail's all-in-one outreach capabilities, LevelUp Leads could abandon its old multi-tool approach and instead get every feature they need all under one roof.

Among other features, John loved QuickMail’s dashboard view as a game-changer for his agency. With it, they gained crystal clear insights about their client activities, making it easy to track and manage campaigns.

In his words:

“One of the things I like about QuickMail the most is how easy it is to see what's going on with your clients from the dashboard view. A lot of other tools we previously explored feel more complicated in that aspect because they aren’t designed for agencies. QuickMail, on the other hand, has these agency-friendly features built-in, and that really helped seal the deal.”

With QuickMail taking care of emails, LevelUp Leads could focus on what they do best: tracking down high-quality leads and security meetings for their clients.

The Results

John and his team use QuickMail to automate their clients’ email campaigns, track engagement metrics like open and replies, and manage the entire process efficiently. In his words:

“We use QuickMail to send outbound email campaigns for our clients. With QuickMail, it’s really easy to manage individual campaigns and track what's going on on a client-by-client basis. In short, QuickMail helps us better understand what's working and what's not in our outbound campaigns.”

With QuickMail as their go-to service for email campaigns, LevelUp Leads has:

  • Served over 120 clients with their email services alone

  • Secured 1 to 4 meetings per week for clients (on average)

  • Consistently delivered average open rates up to 60% and reply rates up to 8% even with outreach to enterprise organizations

Winning with QuickMail: Client Success Highlights

Client TypeGoal Impact
Software Security CompanyMeetings booked - 126% KPI achieved 90% Appointments with enterprise companies
Financial - LG AdvisorsMeetings booked - 167% KPI achieved75 interested leads in less than 4 months
Enterprise Financial InstitutionMeetings booked9x ROI in 6 weeks

Why QuickMail?

Cold Email Metrics Through Personalization sample

John started using QuickMail over three years ago when he first launched LevelUp Leads. After seeing the shortcomings of his email tool at the time, he knew he needed a platform that could deliver —and QuickMail fit the bill like a glove.

As John recalls, the transition was seamless. Thanks to QuickMail's user-friendly interface and holistic dashboard view, tracking performance became a breeze.

Plus, with QuickMail's automation capabilities, LevelUp Leads could cast a wider net and reach larger audiences without sacrificing the personal touch that sets them apart.

But as John himself says, it was QuickMail's deliverability features that truly sealed the deal:

“QuickMail’s standout feature for me was its focus on deliverability. I got great insights into whether my emails were actually reaching inboxes or landing in spam,” remarks John. “That was the deciding factor for me.”

Beyond that, John appreciates the effort that goes into building QuickMail and keeping things running effectively:

“Things have changed so much for us in the past three years. Besides deliverability, QuickMail is simply a trustworthy email automation tool with great customer support.”

Long story short, QuickMail’s deliverability features, reliable software, and hands-on customer support made it the ideal choice for LevelUp Leads.

Top Reasons for Choosing QuickMail

John’s top 3 benefits of using QuickMail weren’t surprising. It’s the same for a lot of other clients as well:

  1. Superior Deliverability 

  2. Agency Dashboard

  3. Pricing

As John put it:

“The number one thing that stuck out to me when I switched to Quickmail was the features around deliverability. Before QuickMail, I had to use other tools separately to check deliverability, so the fact that QuickMail had it built-in was a differentiator because so many other email services don't have that.”

John’s Advice

To wrap things up, we asked John who exactly he feels QuickMail’s service would be ideal for. Here’s what he had to say:

"I'd recommend QuickMail to small businesses and other agencies running outbound email campaigns – whether for them themselves or on behalf of their clients."

Improve Your Cold Outreach with QuickMail

Join the ranks of successful businesses like LevelUp Leads and get the most out of your outreach with QuickMail's powerful solutions.

Test it out risk-free and experience the difference it makes for your cold campaigns. Start your free QuickMail trial today.